12 Week Group Training Program

This is not a “Bootcamp class”, in this program you will learn how to move well in different ways! You will be in a group with like-minded individuals who will support you!

With a balanced strength & conditioning program, expect to see improvements in your health, well-being and movement quality.

Everyone is on their own journey for improving their health and fitness but we all work together to achieve those goals.

  • 12 Week Program

  • You will feel part of a POSITIVE community of individuals supporting you!

  • 3 sessions per week,1 hour training sessions (36 sessions + multiple session start times)

  • Individualized and customized training program in small a Group setting

  • Initial Assessment at Week 1 + Check-Ins at Week 6 and 12

  • Weekly Check-Ins to ensure you’re on track

  • NEW Nutrition Workshops with Registered Dietician

  • NEW Goal Setting & Getting + Meditation Workshop with Mental Performance Coach

  • Coach provides specific direction and guidance

  • 24/7 Access to Coach for communication and support

  • Private Facebook Group


12 Week Group Training Program
