A Little Goes A Long Way
When it comes to movement, it doesn’t have to be time-consuming! Lots of research has shown that just 10 minutes yields physical and mental health benefits. And even 1 set of strength training exercises can be beneficial! SO if you’re struggling to get in longer workouts, maybe think about reframing and see how you can get in the minimal dose in your routine! “More exercise is better than some, and some exercise is better than none.”
Here are some simple ways to incorporate short bouts of movement throughout your week:
3-5 times / week of 10-20 minutes of moderate intensity exercise. That means a quick brisk walk around the block/neighbourhood.
2-3 times/ week of 1 Set of 8-10 reps of Full Body strength training; focus on major muscle groups (shoulders, upper back, core, posterior chain and frontal chain).
2 times / week of 30 minutes of easy intensity exercise. Hop on the bike, elliptical, treadmill/outside walk, jog, swim or rower and go at a pace that feels like you could hold a conversation but don’t want to for long.
2 times / week of 5-10 mobility or stretching. This can be before bed, or when you get up or a quick stretch break during the work day
It’s also important to note, to start SLOW and build up gradually; take small steps. The body needs time to adjust and taking smaller steps means you can build consistency first.