Can You Pass these 3 Mobility and Strength Tests?

Here are 3 simple tests that you can do and what they mean! Remember Mobility is the ability to move freely and easily.

1.) Single Leg Balance: This is a great (and underrated) way to test your ankle, knee, hip and core stability. AND a HUGE indicator for risk of falling. Aim for 30 seconds or more with minimal wobbles! Ideally perform this near a wall or holding onto a friend.

  • Eyes Open

  • Eyes Closed; if you found eyes open easy, try it with your eyes closed. A bit harder so definitely use supports!

2.) Stand to Sit to Stand: This is a good indicator of your lower body strength, mobility, balance and coordination; linked to longevity.

  • Stand up tall, cross 1 leg over the other and now sit down to the ground and back up again - all without using your hands!

  • Alternatively can you get up any other way without using your hands or support.

Cross 1 leg over the other

Bend your knees and lower down to the ground without using your hands

Control the descent down

Sit down with your legs crossed

Then slowly stand up without using your hands

3.) Hang Test

  • Your ability to hang from a bar is a great indicator of grip strength and ultimately upper body strength which is linked to longevity. Aim for 30 seconds to 1 minute; 1 minute is a solid score!

How did you do?

Meena Sharif