Benefits of having a Strength & Conditioning Coach / Personal Trainer

Whether you’re new to exercising or the gym is your second home, working with a personal trainer or strength & conditioning coach can help you reach your health and fitness goals. I feel grateful to be in this field to support others towards their goals!

I wanted to talk about the benefits of having a coach or trainer:

  • Education

    • I believe this is the number role I have as a coach; giving someone the tools to be successful for the long term as exercise should be seen as a way to improve your well-being! Empowerment is key!

  • Individualization

    • A coach can support you with catering to your goals, needs and access to equipment. Taking this all into account can help to optimize your training program and therefore maximize results.

  • Technique Feedback

    • Having trainer beside you to demonstrate the correct technique is invaluable. This will ensure you are performing the exercises correctly and efficiently, in order to maximise results. Good form when performing exercises is also essential in reducing the risk of injury.

  • Accountability

    • Having someone to hold you accountable for your workouts can make a big difference. Trainers will show up for you, even on the days when you don’t feel like working out, and provide the motivation you need to stay on track

  • Goal Setting

    • Being able to set specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and timely goals is key to achieving your goals. A trainer can go through all of this in the initial consultation to ensure you can work towards your goals.

A coach or trainer can give you the tools and support that you need to reach a health and fitness goal. They can provide support, accountability, education, and a personalized plan of attack, so you may find working with one well worth the investment. If you are looking for guidance, let’s chat!

Meena Sharif