10 Ways to Squat

Why Squat? Well…the squat is a fundamental movement pattern that requires multiple joint and muscle integration.

Many of these muscles used in the squat help power you through daily tasks such as walking, climbing stairs, bending, or carrying heavy loads. It can also support athletic movements (running, cutting, throwing and jumping). Adding squats to your workouts can help boost your exercise performance, decrease your risk of injury, and keep you moving more easily throughout the day. But these are just a few of the benefits.

If you want to start or already do, here are 10 ways you can vary your squat. HOWEVER, even though the way you the hold the weight may be different, the rules for the squat stay the same:

  • Start with feet slightly wider than hip-width apart, toes turned slightly out (think 11 and 1 on a clock)

  • Keep your chest up and out and the pressure even in your feet, engage your core and shift your weight back as you push your hips back.

  • Lower yourself into a squat until either your heels begin to lift off the floor, or until your torso begins to round or flex forward. Your depth should be determined by your form!

  • Keep your chest out and core tight as you push through your full foot to stand back up to the start position.

Bodyweight Squat: This should be the first variation you master before you progress or vary

Mini Band Squat Hold

Elevator Squat: I like this variation as it slows things down for you to really get good at the different positions in the squat

Bodyweight Split Squat: Ensure your knee follows the same direction as your toes

Dumbbell Suitcase Squat

Kettlebell Offset Front Squat: This one and the Dumbbell Suitcase Squat (above) are both great to work on core stability as the weight on the 1 side of the body challenges the body to stay upright and not lean over to one side

Dumbbell Front Rack Squat

Barbell Back Squat

Barbell Front Squat

Rear Foot Elevated Split Squat: First master the Bodyweight Split Squat variation before you progress to this one

*Bonus* Dumbbell Squat Jumps: Once you can master building strength in the movements above, you can progress to more explosive movements

Happy Squatting!

Meena Sharif